
i recently installed the HURD on my Samsung NC10, which by now basically
works, but with the following issues:

Network is working during d-i install, but did not work after the
reboot. I manually specified a static IP address during install.

i did the steps on [0], Section Configuation and it currently works.

I also was not able to apt-*, as gpg complained that there is no entropy
available.  I did the the "Quick and dirty way" on [2] and it also
currently works.

Questions right now are:

* How may i make the network work after the next reboot automatically?

* Why ist there no /deb/urandom created?

The installer logs from /var/log/installer are available at [1]. I am
also happy to supply more information.



[0] https://www.debian.org/ports/hurd/hurd-install
[1] https://familiekainz.at/hurd/installer.tgz
[2] https://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/hurd/translator/random.html

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