2023-06-06 12:29 GMT+02:00, Samuel Thibault <sthiba...@debian.org>:
> That's not enough, tar doesn't know about translators, so all /dev and
> /servers entries are not properly set. You can probably fix this by
> passing init=/bin/sh to gnumach, and there use

... GRUB ..................................................................
multiboot /boot/gnumach.gz .... init=/bin/sh root=....
Is it correct? Notihng changed. I still see those error messages....

> fsysopts / --writable
> dpkg-reconfigure hurd

May I run those command from my previous Debian/Hurd system (hd0s2) ?
$ mount /dev/hd2s3 /mnt/hurd
$ chroot /mnt/hurd
$ fsysopts / --writable
$ dpkg-reconfigure hurd

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