I'm using an HP ZX6000 workstation right now. Anyone had any luck getting
an AMD/ATI HD series (2xxx, 3xxx, 4xxx) card working with DRI2? If so, what
machine? After updating Linux 2.6.x to Linux 3.2.x, my radeon 7000 series
(on board) shows itself as having direct rendering, and this leaves me
hopeful that DRM/DRI2 on ia64 isn't just inherently broken.

I realize the issues with running a graphics card with x86 firmware vs
native EFI firmware. On Debian/sparc, I was able to use a GeForce 4000 MX
since the int10 module of Xorg seems to emulate just enough real-mode x86
to allow the card to boot up. I can run OpenArena on it with hardware
acceleration -- so I know it is possible to do, both in theory and
practice. I got Xorg running on a 8400GS once, but it wasn't very stable.
I've heard about getting PowerPC machines to use Radeon cards too -- so I
was curious if anyone had any experiences (postive or negative) while using
AMD/ATI HD series cards. I noticed that using an Nvidia 8400 GS caused the
system to not POST -- it seems there might be some firmware issue, or
perhaps just a simple power issue. I'm not sure. I'd like to get hardware
accelerated GL 2.x with upgradability to 3.x when Mesa 8+ becomes
available, basically.


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