On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Jul 2000, William F. Maton wrote:
> > > CRC.ca is *supposed* to have a mirror on their IPv6 drop but its IPv6
> > > presence doesn't seem to be super stable yet :|
> > 
> > Hooo haaaa!  We just upgraded to a newer Cisco IOS, which caused us some
> > BGP+ grief.  Right now things seem genki (OK).  In fact, ftp.ipv6.crc.ca
> > is multihomed:
> Hmm
> PING 3FFE:3700:1F00:FC83:0:0:0:2(3ffe:3700:1f00:fc83::2) 56 data bytes
> >From 3ffe:3700:1f00:200::2: Destination unreachable: Address unreachable
> >From 3ffe:3700:1f00:200::2: Destination unreachable: Address unreachable
> >From 3ffe:3700:1f00:200::2: Destination unreachable: Address unreachable
> >From 3ffe:3700:1f00:200::2: Destination unreachable: Address unreachable
> The 2001 IP works fine..

Looks like a routing problem somewhere.

> > Via CA*Net 3, directly by tunnel to the 6Tap in Chicago and via a tunnel
> > to Qwest.  So what's the dark lining in this silver cloud?  You can't
> Are one of those two groups willing to give permanent tunnels to smaller
> organizations like us?

Qwest is looking actually make IPv6 tunnel services a commercial offering
by the end of the year.  6Tap *may* do it for free though.

> > connect via FTP using IPv6!  You need to use augustus.dgim.crc.ca for
> > that, and I'm running that machine with Solaris 8.  The only reason?  The
> > lack of a reliable port of *any* FTP daemon (with features like wu-ftpd)
> I've been using openbsd ftpd (the linux port) it seems to work well
> enough, but I am not doing any serious serving with it.

OK.  I've got lot's of classes and users on this system....Maybe I'll try

> Jason


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