On Wed, 2005-03-30 at 15:55 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Le Mercredi 30 Mars 2005 12:05, Jeroen Massar a écrit :
> > *DON'T* use fec0:: site locals have been deprecated.
> How can I use IPv6 on a LAN if I have no static IPv6 addresses 
> allocation and my Internet access is down/disabled/inexistant, then ?

By using Unique Local Addresses (ULA's)


Which is almost a RFC btw(*). More reading material: RFC3879

> Many (most?) applications won't accept link-local addresses because 
> there is often no way to specify the scope (ie. interface). And even 
> then, what if I have multiple interconnected subnets with an IPv6 
> router in the middle ? Or if I need static IPv6 addresses in my local 
> DNS zones ?
> I'm afraid site-local addresses are the only way to go, be they 
> deprecated or not.

They are not the only way and really you don't want them.


Your girlfriend is living on the other side of the road, she has a
hunderd IP devices (computers, ipod, fridge.. you name it).
You have also the same type of setup and because you love her so much
you want to give her fast access to your cool warez server which you
have got running on one of your leet quad xeon debian boxes.

Now if both of you are using fec0::/64. Who of the two is going to take
the burden of renumbering (adjusting configs: firewalls, dns.... lot of
textfiles.. etc)... You or her?

That is where ULA comes in, because they are unique you can simply use
them, set a route to your girlfriends router and on hers one to you,

Scale the above up too two networks with 10.000 devices each, have fun
renumbering then.... *that* is why they deprecated the site-local stuff.
Just like RFC1918 it looks good but gives a huge headache afterward.


* = http://tools.ietf.org/wg/ipv6/

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