I am submitting an nmudiff for the sake of discussing the
implementation of IPv6 for tftp and tftpd from netkit-tftp-0.17.

The compressed interdiff is attached to this message. In order
to ease the C-code patching, I migrated the package to format
"3.0 (quilt)".

The migration of tftpd to IPv6-ability is almost elementary,
no inherent surprises. The only issue is that inetd/xinetd is
stumbeling on the value used for 'net.ipv6.bindv6only', but the
code change for 'tftpd.c' is independent of this. Logfiling:

Feb 13 11:57:59 kvad tftpd[11887]: tftpd: trying to get file: motd
Feb 13 11:57:59 kvad tftpd[11887]: tftpd: serving file from /srv/tftp
Feb 13 11:57:59 kvad xinetd[2294]: START: tftp from=2001:470:28:6a::a
Feb 13 11:58:20 kvad tftpd[11889]: tftpd: trying to get file: motd
Feb 13 11:58:20 kvad tftpd[11889]: tftpd: serving file from /srv/tftp
Feb 13 11:58:20 kvad xinetd[2294]: START: tftp from=::ffff:
Feb 13 11:58:50 kvad tftpd[11892]: tftpd: trying to get file: motd
Feb 13 11:58:50 kvad tftpd[11892]: tftpd: serving file from /srv/tftp
Feb 13 11:58:50 kvad xinetd[2294]: START: tftp from=2001:470:28:6a::a

The correct patching of 'tftp/main.c' and 'tftp/tftp.c' is a much
harder task. As you will see from the syslog, both address families
work with the present code changes. The addrinfo flags could possibly
benefit from more thought, even though I have invested much time
already in trying various combinations.

I hope to discuss detailed code changes for the client on the mailing
list 'debian-ipv6', but let me here advice code testers to add openings
in your netfilter rules to allow incoming udp-packages. I lost two
days in traffic testing before I located this cause for earlier
patch generations!

Best regards,
Mats Erik Andersson, fil. dr

Attachment: nmudiff-ipv6-netkit-tftp_0.17-17.1.diff.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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