Nick Jacobs <> wrote:
    > Can someone point me to good, correct documentation on how to configure
    > IPv6 in Debian stable and oldstable?

Mostly, there is nothing to do.
Hosts auto-configure addresses and default routes.

    > A lot of people seem to have problems configuring IPv6 of Debian, with
    > the main symptom being that a program trying to use IPv6 times out and
    > falls back to IPv4. Googling for solutions reveals a surprisingly large
    > number of people who have basically given up and resorted to disabling
    > IPv6 completely.

Sounds like they have a problem with their router, rather than with their
host.  Their are getting RAs from a router, but are not really connected.

So, I'd be glad to help, but I don't think the problem is with Debian.

]               Never tell me the odds!                 | ipv6 mesh networks [ 
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works        | network architect  [ 
]        |   ruby on rails    [ 

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