
I need to setup a dynamic mass virtual hosting server using apache and
would like to allow the users to have their own CGI. To reduce security
risks I would like to use suEXEC in this setup. While reading the suEXEC
documentation that comes with the apache package I learned that I must
add a User and Group directive in the VirtualHost definition.
My problem is that I am using mod_vhost_alias like mentioned in the apache
manual using something like this in httpd.conf:

VirtualDocumentRoot /www/hosts/%0/docs
VirtualScriptAlias  /www/hosts/%0/cgi-bin

Is there a way to make User and Group a function of %0 (the requested host)?
Would changing suEXEC to run as the owner of the script be a big security hole?
Is there another way to do this without having to add every virtual host
to my httpd.conf ?

Rúben Leote Mendes - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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