I've used it on a couple of development boxes and it ran very well 
for me.  I can't comment on the stability of the product within a 
production environment, but I was very pleased with the multi-level 
transaction system, and the speed at which it queried very convoluted 
SQL statements (subselects, left joins, etc.).  It was rock-solid on 
the dev machines I was running it on.

If only they'd open up the source completely, I'd move all of my web 
app development immediately to it from PostgreSQL/MySQL.

My two cents-
Eric Jennings

>Has anyone here experience with Sybase ASE on Linux ?
>I'm wondering, if it is a good choice for production enviroment... It has
>a little strange license:
>"You are allowed to install and use the Software for free as long as you
>operate the Software at all times only with the Open Source - Linux and
>various BSD - operating systems running natively on your hardware
>system. "
>What does it mean _operate_the_Software_ ? ;)
>What about multi-tier applications, when connections to Sybase are made by
>linux-based-middle-tier only ? Is it allowed ?
>PS - I know I should post this question directly to Sybase, but I'd like
>to know about your experiences with it...
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