On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 10:27:14PM +0200, Russell Coker took time to write:
> On Wednesday 02 May 2001 20:12, Marcelo Gulin wrote:
> >   I think that mod_rewrite or mod_vhosts_alias can do that.
> >   take a look at http://modules.apache.org
> VirtualDocumentRoot IS mod_vhosts_alias.
> I have read the documentation for mod_rewrite and couldn't work out how to do 
> this.  However mod_rewrite is described as being "like Sendmail" to configure 
> so I may have missed something.  If you know how to do this with mod_rewrite 
> then please explain how to do it!

Here is my try (note : I do not know mod_vhosts_alias, I just
glimpsed over the manual to understand what 
VirtualDocumentRoot /www/%-1/%-2/%-3/%-4+ means)

(helped by § Virtual Hosts on

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule     ^(.+)$  %{HTTP_HOST}/$1 
RewriteRule     ^([^./]+)\.([^./]+)/(.*)                        /www/$2/$1/$3          
RewriteRule     ^([^./]+)\.([^./]+)\.([^./]+)/(.*)              /www/$3/$2/$1/$4       
RewriteRule     ^([^/]+)\.([^./]+)\.([^./]+)\.([^./]+)/(.*)     /www/$4/$3/$2/$1/$5    

This must be tested (and will work only for HTTP/1.1 requests), and can surely be 
I am not sure about the PT flag, especially for request without a filename at the end.

I hope that helps, let us know !

``C'est un monde qui n'a pas les moyens de ne plus avoir mal.''

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