I'm not exactly sure how the Linux kernel would handle this.

Right now, the swap is untouched. If the server needed more ram, wouldn't
it be swapping something... anything? I mean, it currently has 0kb in
swap, and still has free memory.

Here is a recent top:

101 processes: 97 sleeping, 3 running, 1 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states:   9.4% user,  14.0% system,   0.5% nice,  76.1% idle
Mem:    128236K total,   125492K used,     2744K free,    69528K buffers
Swap:   289160K total,        0K used,   289160K free,    10320K cached
 5361 qmails     4   0  2728 2728   368 R     5.6  2.1  68:58 qmail-send
11911 root       4   0  1052 1052   800 R     1.7  0.8   0:00 top
  165 root       1   0  2640 2640   860 S     0.9  2.0  25:00 named
 5367 qmailr    17   0   464  464   324 S     0.9  0.3   6:58 qmail-rspawn
 1178 root       0   0   832  832   708 S     0.3  0.6   4:30 syslogd
 5365 qmaill     0   0   476  476   404 S     0.1  0.3   6:12 splogger
 5368 qmailq     1   0   396  396   332 S     0.1  0.3   5:20 qmail-clean
11988 qmailr     1   0   512  512   432 S     0.1  0.3   0:00 qmail-remote
11993 qmailr     4   0   512  512   432 R     0.1  0.3   0:00 qmail-remote
11994 qmailr     4   0   512  512   432 S     0.1  0.3   0:00 qmail-remote
11996 qmailr     5   0   512  512   432 R     0.1  0.3   0:00 qmail-remote
11997 qmailr     8   0   512  512   432 S     0.1  0.3   0:00 qmail-remote
11998 qmailr     9   0   512  512   432 R     0.1  0.3   0:00 qmail-remote
11999 qmailr    10   0   512  512   432 R     0.1  0.3   0:00 qmail-remote
12000 qmailr    10   0   512  512   432 S     0.1  0.3   0:00 qmail-remote
    1 root       0   0   532  532   472 S     0.0  0.4   0:07 init
    2 root       0   0     0    0     0 SW    0.0  0.0   0:07 kflushd

I hope you can read the above because it won't be formatted right when I
send it, but hopefully you get the idea. As far as I know, linux will
allocate as much free ram to the buffers, rather than just leave it empty.
So ~68M in buffers sort of tells me that it has plenty of memory. I mean,
if you think more would really help, we could try more ram, but I doubt
the bottleneck really is with the memory limit...?

Anyway... as for the raid solution, is there anything I should look out
for BEFORE i start implementing it? Like any particular disk or ext2
settings that would benefit the mail queue in any way? Don't want to get
everything set up, only to find I missed something critical that you
already thought of!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Russell Coker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jason Lim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Rich Puhek"
Sent: Sunday, June 10, 2001 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: Finding the Bottleneck

On Saturday 09 June 2001 08:23, Jason Lim wrote:
> Well... I'm not sure if you saw the "top" output I sent to the list a
> while back, but the swap isn't touched at all. The 128M ram seems to be
> sufficient at this time. I'm not sure that throwing more memory at it
> would help much, would it? I think even if more ram is put in, it will
> just use at buffers..... er.... that MIGHT help, right? Would be an
> easy solution if 256M would help get an extra 20% performance :-)

More cache is very likely to help, and it requires little expense and
little work to add another 128M of RAM to the machine.  I'm not sure that
you'll get 20% more performance, I'd expect maybe 10% - but it depends on
the load patterns.

For a cheap and easy way to add performance adding RAM is the best thing
you can do IMHO.

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