On Mon, 28 Jan 2002 19:16, Mark Janssen wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 01:35:43PM +0800, Jason Lim wrote:
> > Of the Linux distributions supported by Promise (at
> > http://support.promise.com/Linux/Default.htm), which is "closest" to
> > Debian. That is, which requires the least modification to get working
> > with Debian unstable?
> Why not just use Debian ??

I think that was his aim.

> Debian can do anything RedHat / Suse can do, but better... :)
> Driver support is only a kernel issue, never a distro issue, and it's
> always handy to compile your own kernels, even if you only use hardware
> supported directly by the distro kernel.

It appears that in this case the driver is binary-only, so compiling your own 
kernel is not so handy.

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