> Sometimes people forget that they signed up for a mailing list and when
> content arrive they treat it as spam.  But also some big companies just
> genuinely think that an advert for their products is desired by millions
> people and that they should send it out indiscriminately.
> If you're in contact with any senior people at these companies suggest
> them that they use different mail servers (with different IP addresses
> outgoing traffic) for different purposes.  Then when their advertising
> is listed as a spam source their corporate server will still be usable.
> is a simple chance but can save huge amounts of pain for everyone
> --

Well, I can tell you that EA (Electronic Arts) uses this method. I
subscribe to their lists (for real), and the links in their emails seem to
point to www.comcom.com/somethignhere or something like that... not

Plus the mail is sent through, as you mentioned, a different mail server
each time.

I am not saying that EA is spamming at all, but what I am saying is that
they are playing it smart, because they know that some fools are going to
say that it is spam (even though they probably signed up for the list when
they bought a game from them, or something like that), and those ppl are
going to submit them to spamcop, and other such RBLs. Fortunately, spamcop
works on a "majority must be spam... if spam is under 2%, then it is fine"
rule, so in theory those few fools don't make a difference, but they are
still playing it safe, and IMHO, smart.

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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