On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 06:55:29PM +1000, Craig Sanders wrote:
> On Tue, May 07, 2002 at 10:21:30AM +0200, Emile van Bergen wrote:
> > and assumes dialup/DSL people to be guilty by default.
> Dynamic IP address is the criteria.
> seems like a perfectly reasonable assumption to me.   in my experience,
> all mail which comes directly from a dynamic IP *IS* spam.
> the tiny handful of hobbyists with their own domains hosted on a dynamic
> IP with linux or freebsd should quit whining and use their ISP's mail
> server.  or get themselves a uucp over tcp mail feed.  or batched smtp
> over ssh.  or similar.  frankly, if they're not competent to do any of
> these things then they're not competent enough to be running a mail
> server on the internet.

We operate in one of the older RoadRunner areas and have been providing
that service for years for "hobbyists".  100:1 any such hobbyist can
find that equivalent anywhere in the world.

> > Making the ISP accountible for the mail sent by their customers by
> > having it forced through their MTA in this way is a senseless way of
> > approaching the problem, IMHO.
> making ISPs responsible for the mail sent by their customers is the ONLY
> thing that actually works.

Yes, and the only times we've been blacklisted was when our customers
turned out to be running open relays on their shiny new NT boxes.

Many cable modem systems provide static addresses.  This gets really
sticky, because lately we've been getting a lot of spam from them. The
local abuse/postmaster@isp merely disclaims responsibility and forwards
complaints to the operator.  Just local here in Portland Maine there
are some 3000 businesses on cable; as more and more of them start
running their own SMTP servers and plugging in CDROM email databases
this problem will mushroom.  The damage a spammer can do from dialup
is nothing compared to what he can do on a 2M cable connection with
a linux box and powerful MTA.

The only entity that can do anything is the ISP.  They have to be
responsible for the mail their customers send.


> craig
> -- 
> craig sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Fabricati Diem, PVNC.
>  -- motto of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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