On Tue, 2002-05-07 at 17:12, Kevin J. Menard, Jr. wrote:
>     I used to have one of these images, but the CD is scratched beyond
>     repair now, and the host I used to get it from is no longer serving the
>     file.  I've been searching in vain for the past week now, and I just
>     wanted to know if any of you know where I can grab this ISO image.  I
>     found it grossly useful, and wish to call upon its services again :)

I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but i'm using this
image, it's a 185 MB (mini-cd) image with e2fs, e3fs and reiser support,
along with kernel 2.4 and vesafb support :)


Best of all... it's rsyncable and updated regularly...
Mark Janssen -- maniac(at)maniac.nl -- GnuPG Key Id: 357D2178
Unix / Linux, Open-Source and Internet Consultant @ SyConOS IT
Maniac.nl Unix-God.Net|Org MarkJanssen.org|nl SyConOS.com|nl

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