On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 17:33, Lukas Eppler wrote:

> Has anyone of you set up a NAT server connecting to more than one ISP?

Yes, in a few different places.

> We are switching isp's and I wanted to avoid downtime by using both 
> networks simultaneously for some time.

It's a good option.

> So what do you suggest, should I
> 1) Write everything by hand, not using ipmasq,

Not sure on what ipmasq does (never used it), so long as it handles
masquerading outbound traffic you'll probably be ok.

> 2) Extend ipmasq's rules somehow to fire the routing tables up correctly
> 3) Just run a script after ipmasq to introduce


> root# ip route show
> xx.yy.zz.16/29 dev eth2  proto kernel  scope link  src xx.yy.zz.17
> aa.bb.cc.160/28 dev eth0  proto kernel  scope link  src aa.bb.cc.162
> dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src
> default via aa.bb.cc.161 dev eth0

Roughly speaking this is how I have done it, hopefully you find the
example useful:

#--- Start of example ---#

# Routing table for each net, containing appropriate default route
ip route add default via xx.yy.zz.17 table 10
ip route add default via aa.bb.cc.161 table 20

# start priority of rules

# Anything going inside must be routed normally
for net in $INT_NETS; do
  ip rule add to $net lookup main pri $PRI
  PRI=`expr $PRI + 10`

# Force specific traffic to go the way you want it
# DMZ server goes out on old connection
ip rule add from lookup 10 map-to xx.yy.zz.18 pri $PRI
# DMZ server goes out new connection
PRI=`expr $PRI + 10`
ip rule add from lookup 20 map-to aa.bb.cc.164 pri $PRI
# Force LAN to go out old network for now
PRI=`expr $PRI + 10`
ip rule add from lookup 10 map-to xx.yy.zz.19 pri $PRI

# Make sure any leftovers go out the right way
PRI=`expr $PRI + 10`
ip rule add from xx.yy.zz.16/29 lookup 10 pri $PRI
ip rule add from aa.bb.cc.160/28 lookup 20 pri $PRI

# Flush routing cache to immediately activate changes
ip route flush cache

#--- End of example ---#

One issue we have run into is that Linux masquerading seems to remember
how it NATed packets and ignore changes requested in NATing via ip
rules.  For example here on my firewall is a NATed connection going to

[root@somewhere /root]# ipchains -M -L -n|grep
TCP  14:58.15       35293 (62553) ->

If I decide to route through a different connection with a
rule like 'ip rule add from lookup 20 map-to aa.bb.cc.165
pri $PRI' it wouldn't work until all Masquerading entries had cleared. 
The packets would actually be sent out the new route but they would have
the old source adddress still (that which it was masqueraded to at the
time of the still living masquerade entries).

This problem makes it very difficult to change routing on the fly, I
haven't found any way to flush masqueraded entries (please if there is
one let me know).  Hopefully the 2.4 linux kernel, and iptables, handle
this issue better.

The solution we use is to have servers multi-homed internally as well as
externally.  If you don't have incoming traffic (port forwarded) then
this probably won't be an issue.

This might be too much information so I'll stop now, hopefully I made at
least a little sense.  If you have more questions just followup to the
list and I will try to respond.

> default via xx.yy.zz.22 dev eth2  src xx.yy.zz.17

I've never had any luck with the src argument either.


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