On Mon, 2002-09-23 at 19:25, Julián Muñoz wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, Tomasz Papszun wrote:
> > Woody is stable for 2 months now! :-) .
> Yes, I know. Sorry for my bad english ;-) (By the way, do you think it's
> enough 2 months ?)

woody is *released*. No further changes to it will be made, except
security fixes, and fixing very grave bugs.

Woody had a very long 'beta' testing period - the release was planned
much earlier but got delayed. So I would expect even more bugs got fixes
than usual.
> Well, I would like to evaluate the cost of transition. And also, I'd like
> to be sure when to change.

Going from potato to woody *is* a major upgrade, sure. Going from 3.0 to
3.0r1 will be very minor, probably on the same level as applying the
security upgrades. Besides, 3.0r1 will be just security upgrades and a
very small number of additional fixes, so waiting for 3.0r1 is probably
not worth it.

> Potato is feature frozen, and I liked this really, because I need
> stability, and only fixes for the important bugs.
> What about Woody ?
> > See  http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/
> > Of course we use it.
> Sorry, it is not so obvious to me !  ( Ignorant I am :-)

If you have language problems, I hope you noticed that most debian pages
are available in many different languages, so it should really be clear.

-- vbi

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