also sprach Jason Lim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.10.10.1948 +0200]:
> Well, some of us do need Oracle for business reasons.  And while I'm an
> opensource advocate and choose opensource technology whenever it makes
> sense, Oracle is a darned good database, with fairly good support. (if
> you can afford it)

I principally always just tell them I run RedHat and do some
background translation to and fro. Sure, got to know RedHat, but it's
not too hard... you can always gain time by hiding behind the stupid
user... ;^>

> Now, back on topic, I'm pretty sure that Oracle's unspoken policy is
> that if you have Oracle on Debian (a non-certified platform
> according to them) your support contract is still good up to
> a point.  As soon as you run into anything that might be
> distribution-related Oracle Support will bill you T&M to resolve the
> issue.

I don't know about Oracle, but companies like Check Point, Dell and
various others basically tell you to hang up or they will as soon as
you tell them you aren't running Red Hat or Windoze.

This makes me think: Can't we have a special list 'debian-commercial'
(or a better name) for exactly these types of problems - getting
commercial software to run on Debian? If not officially, I'd be happy
to host it.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
you step in the stream,
but the water has moved on.
this page is not here.

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