On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 03:21:38PM -0500, Victor Felix wrote:
> I just recently move to bind9, and the only thing that was a little
> unexpected, is that ndc has apparently been replaced with rndc, and you
> need an rndc.conf. It was relatively easy to configure these from the
> documentation. Just be aware that if you have any scripts or anything
> that depends on ndc, they will probably fail...
> On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 15:19, Peter Billson wrote:
> > Hey *,
> >   I am planning the move from Bind8 to Bind9 on woody and was wondering if anyone 
>has any tips, gotchas or pointers I should know before the move.
> > 

A good way to setup rndc is to run 'rndc-confgen -a' which will create
/etc/rndc.key, which rndc and named will use to negotiate a control
channel between them. Comment out the controls section in your bind8
named.conf and odds are that you won't need to make a single other
change to your old named.conf. 

As long as your zone files start with a $TTL line (which has been
required since BIND 8.2 or 8.3, can't remember which off the top of my
head) you should be able to run BIND 9. Ignore syslog messages about
obsolete directives in named.conf until you're sure you're sticking with
BIND 9, at which point you can remove the offending lines (BIND 9 just
ignores them, so it hurts nothing to leave them).

Cricket Liu just authored a "DNS & BIND Cookbook", which will help with
all this little stuff we're covering here. It's worth the money if
you run BIND anywhere on your network.
Nate Campi   http://www.campin.net 

I trust Microsoft. 
I trust them to be spectacularly unable to get anything right,
including and especially hard things like large-scale industrial
espionage. Sure, they'll make clownish, clumsy stabs at it and fail in
predictable, amusing and embarassing ways, and then do it all over
again. And their victi^H^H users will not only forgive them but spend
a lot of energy making up excuses for them.  

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  • Be... Sonny Kupka
    • ... Nick Mitchell
    • ... Robin Y. Millette
      • ... Tim Quinlan
        • ... Mark Lijftogt
    • ... Jeremy C. Reed
    • ... Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
      • ... Peter Billson
        • ... Victor Felix
          • ... Nate Campi
        • ... Craig Sanders
        • ... Marc Haber
    • ... Marc Haber
      • ... Васил Колев
        • ... Robin Y. Millette
        • ... Marc Haber

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