On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 12:22:43AM -0200, Adriano Nagelschmidt Rodrigues wrote:
> No one said that "your way of doing things is wrong". 

actually, that is exactly what some did say.   the typical response from
a DJB groupie to anyone who doesn't want to do things in DJB's way is to
utter some variant of "you're doing it all wrong, just do it DJB's way",
with no sign of comprehension that it is in any way valid to want to do
it in any other way.

> Use what you want, end of story. You take it personally and start
> calling people "groupies" and "morons".

it's hard to think of another term than "groupies" for those who take
every word uttered by DJB as gospel.  "disciples" perhaps?  or "devotees"?

as for "morons", i think it's an appropriate label for people who either
can't understand clear and precise language or who wilfully misinterpret
it to suit their own ends.

> About the tinydns data format that you dislike so much ("ugly,
> difficult to read and a PITA to work with"), let me remember you that
> traditional UNIX /etc/{passwd,group,shadow} files have a similiar
> format. This is so also because it makes them a _lot_ easier to be
> manipulated programmatically.

/etc/{passwd,group,shadow} have fixed formats, with fields separated by
colons.  parsing them is as easy as splitting on : characters.

tinydns has a variable number of fields per line, and uses "%" and "="
and "@" etc to indicate what type of data is being represented (which is
fine for programs, but certainly doesn't qualify as "human readable").

they're not the same thing at all.  not even superficially close.

in any case, nobody pretends that passwd,group, or shadow files are
primarily designed to be edited by humans.  they can be in an emergency,
but the primary method has always been to use programs such as adduser,
deluser, chfn, etc.


craig sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Fabricati Diem, PVNC.
 -- motto of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch

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