Hi Scott,

On Sat, 23 Nov 2002, Scott St. John wrote:

> Is it possible to move current mail to the maildir format?  I inconvenienced
> the clients once with the crash and now that things are not running as smooth
> I don't want to run the risk of long amounts of downtime.  I really want to go
> Postfix because I think it is more efficient, more secure, more reliable 
> and less
> of a resource pig.  Qpopper also has a habit of just stopping, I have have to
> reload xinetd several times a day.

You can convert the mboxes with mbox2maildir. Changing from Sendmail to
Postfix shouldn't bei a hassle and if properly prepared shouldn't produce
a long downtime. Depending on the amount and size of your mboxes the
conversion takes some time, but your machine should be fast enough ;-) to
do this in a reasonable time.

> >Regarding a switch to debian. Three years ago we started switching our
> >servers from Suse to Debian. I've never regretted that switch since
> >maintaining Debian is so much easier than Suse due to apt.
> Had a Debian box ready to go, but when the machine crashed I had to get
> something up right then and now so I went with RH because I could do it
> in under 30 minutes, plus I had the Sendmail configs.  I ended up using
> Suse as well for Cistron Radius.  I only have 3 of these boxes - Mandrake
> for the web server, RH for the mail and Suse sits there and does Radius.
> I have been planning on moving people off the Mandrake box so I might
> move them to the Suse box since it only does Radius, turn the Mandrake
> box into Debian and be happy :)
Hmm - maintaining such a distribution zoo sounds like a headache. Switch
all the boxes to debian, install a local apt-proxy and enjoy applying
security patches to all your machines in minutes ;-)

Torsten Krueger

Media Online Internet Services & Marketing GmbH
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