On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 05:36:15AM +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Curently I am in creation of my Cyber-Center in Strasbourg, 
> which is origialy only for Internet and Office... 
> But now I am interested in Net-Games... 
> Not only some Game-Servers. I like to use Linux-Game too. 
> Are there some like 'Counterstrike'... 
> I like to install my own Game-Server on a Athlon 1400 with 
> 512 MByte which must server up to (very rar) 30 Clients in 
> the local 100 MBit LAN. 
> Oh yes, I have found only Action-Net-Games for WinSuck 
> (Server maybe on Linux) but no Linux-Clients...

Unreal Tournament (UT) isn't free, but it has a linux client that is a
lot of fun.  I believe UT 2003 has one as well, but I havn't tried it
so far.


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