On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 09:52:40AM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I was just doing some debugging on another problem and did a ps -eaf and
> saw the following line that looks very suspicious to me:
> UID        PID     PPID   C  STIME TTY         TIME CMD
> root       319      315   0  09:55 ?       00:00:00 -:0
> It came up when I rebooted the system. I've googled for it and
> can't see any traces of it in syslog. Anyone have any idea what this
> process -:0 is and how to get rid of it if it is evil?

Are you perhaps running X?  I believe this process is an xdm child, which
manages the primary display (:0).


 - Keegan

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