On Wed, Aug 13, 2003 at 02:42:36PM +0000, Martin Wheeler wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Aug 2003, John R. Ackermann   N8UR wrote:
> >  I'm trying to figure out whether I'm better off putting
> > on testing or unstable
> >From what you say, it sounds as if only unstable is going to give you the
> latest versions of your preferred software.
> Personally, I stick with testing, as this machine *must* work when I'm demoing
> something or other to a client -- unstable doesn't often go horribly wrong,
> but when it does, it can lock you out of your system totally -- just at the
> wrong moment.

Um...  So don't dist-upgrade right before you're demoing for clients?

Just a thought.

 - Keegan

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