I have just played around with dovecot imap server. I can use your existing mail spool files. Also it allows for craetion of IMAP folders in users' home dirs which worries me a bit. I'd rather have the mailbox in MySQL or something like that. But that's a differnet discussion I guess.


Eric Sproul wrote:
On Fri, 2003-09-05 at 11:19, Tinus Nijmeijers wrote:
cyrus huh? in that case: is cyrus-popd a drop-in replacement for UW-pop
(ipopd) on debian?
I seem to remember it is not.

You are correct.  Cyrus uses a completely different method for storing
mail, so you cannot just install its POP daemon.  You would have to
convert your existing mail spool to Cyrus's format.



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