On Thursday 19 February 2004 21.34, Bjørnar Bjørgum Larsen wrote:
> I am in the process of choosing between postfix and qmail for our mail
> relays. I've not decided yet.

Matter of taste - I find postfix' log files are orders of magnitude easier to 
read than qmail's.

Also matter of taste - I could not wrap my head around qmail's configuration 
ideology. postfix imho stays closer to what I expect from a program in the 
Unix world.

These two made the decision for me quite early, and I'm happy with postfix 
now, so I haven't gone back to see how well qmail would have dealt with 

A third argument - also not of the hard facts kind - is that I don't like 
qmail's licensing.

-- vbi

Maintenance-free: When it breaks, it can't be fixed...

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