This one time, at band camp, Michael Loftis said:
> augh disregard my last...sound slike you got that done.  long day over here 
> already.
> can you turn up debugging on your slapd?  loglevel 256 or loglevel 512 are 
> VERY helpful, they log what searches are run--one or both does i can't 
> remember...this way you can find out whats up.

With loglevel 512:
Mar 24 21:15:51 mercury slapd[19886]: conn=46 op=1 ENTRY 
Mar 24 21:15:51 mercury slapd[19886]: conn=46 op=1 ENTRY 
Mar 24 21:15:51 mercury slapd[19886]: conn=46 op=1 ENTRY 
Mar 24 21:15:51 mercury slapd[19886]: conn=46 op=1 ENTRY 
Mar 24 21:15:51 mercury slapd[19886]: conn=46 op=1 ENTRY 
Mar 24 21:15:51 mercury slapd[19886]: conn=46 op=1 ENTRY 
Mar 24 21:15:51 mercury slapd[19886]: conn=46 op=1 ENTRY 
[...] about 1500 more time, which I don't think anyone really needs to
see :)

It is doing the lookups, but it is apparently not getting translated
back by the system calls?  finger -m does, work, as does finger without
a user argument, so at some level all of this works, jyust not for large
queries.  Similarly, I just noticed that getent passwd $user works, but
getent passwd only returns the users in /etc/passwd.  Odd, but I'm on to
something now, I guess - all large queries fail, and the small ones
succeed.  Not sure what to do with it, but I have a starting point now.
Maybe this is a problem in the system calls, or the size of the nscd
cache, or something screwy like that?  Not sure where else to go with
this now.

Thanks again,
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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