On Thu,  9 Sep 2004 15:32:04 +0200, Marek wrote in message 

> Citát "Ruth A. Kramer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder wrote:
> > > On behalf of all joe-job victims: Whatever you do, *please* do it
> > > in a way that allows you to know whether mail is going to be
> > > delivered at the front-end incoming SMTP server. (should be
> > > trivial if your user database
> > is
> > > in LDAP or some SQL db or whatever.)
> > 
> > Is the point of the statement above that all mail must be delivered
> > via the SMTP server, and then features built into it (disabling of
> > anonymous relaying??) will prevent joe-jobs?  
> I think the point is in rejecting most of these email as soon as
> possible. For this to work, the front-end SMTP server has to know your
> users. If it doesn't, you accept these mails for further processing -
> spam & virus filtering, which are CPU consuming and just after it your
> server realizes that there is no recipient for it.
> For the same reason I have some regexp patterns build into postfix
> body_checks for most common viruses. Postfix rejects these mails
> immediately. This usually catch about 90% of viruses, so I save a lot
> of CPU in virus checking of incoming mail...

..my understanding is the point is spot spam bots asap, and either
deliver to /dev/null or fry them off the net. Usually, these boxes are
paid for some unsuspecting Joe Sixpack, who should have his box
rebooting exactly as far as to show:" Your box has been used for
criminal purposes, and has been shut down to secure evidence for 
law enforcement.  Please note that tampering with this crime scene
evidence, by trying to "repair" or "reinstall the OS" etc, is a crime in
itself and you will not want to try do that, as we have reported to your
local law enforcemen every box we shut down, to facilitate said law
enforcement.  If you need your box for any lawful purpose, please feel
free to contact your local law enforcement to expedite securing the
crime scene evidence and make your box legally available to yourself."

..and _not_ _any_ _bit_ further.  A "simple" replacement of
the boot loader and possibly disabling the bios.  I think it is legal

..disclaimer; I don't do (yet) mail servers, I got draaaagged into doing
wifi bandwith trottling, my expertize is in thermochemical gasification.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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