On Tue, 23 Nov 2004 18:52:38 +0100
Kilian Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Djalma,
> > my named.conf.local:
> > zone "0/" {
> i'd try making this read:
> zone "36.247.200.in-addr.arpa" {

you're right. Without 25/0 worked, but when I installed (some months ago), it 
was working by that way, that is the way I read in BIND tutorial.
the server was upgraded recently.

do you know if this was changed in later versions?

is there some problem to keep zone "36.247.200.in-addr.arpa" since I have set a 
/25 mask from my ISP? (from 0 to 127).

thanks you all

Djalma Fadel Junior
Diretor Técnico
Ferasoft Corporation Ltda
+55 (19) 3542-3490

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