On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 11:20:28AM -0700, Michael Loftis wrote:
> >i certainly wouldn't recommend running it on a large installation.
> >i'm surprised you even tried.
> Well, we're very anti-spam, and willing ot try anything to help...I
> had to disable it after we got around ~8K rules in the tables on that
> box, that ended up causing the system CPU time to go through the roof.
> Though it was very effective. :)

i guess what it needs is something that can merge addresses into a CIDR range.

e.g. if it sees x.y.z.1 through to .8, it should merge them all into a /29.
delete the individual /32 rules and replace them with the /29.

managing that would get fairly complicated, especially when it has to later
merge a few /29s and /32s into larger blocks. but it should be doable.  if i
get time, i'll think about how that might be implemented.

the simpler thing is to just uncomment the /24 stuff that's already in there,
and block the entire /24 rather than just the offending host.  heavy-handed
but it should reduce the number of entries in iptables.

hmmm. one useful optimisation here would be to use Net::DNS to find out whether
the IP is in a DUL - and if it is, then block the entire /24. i reject all mail
direct from dynamic/dialups anyway so it wouldn't hurt anything.  (and remember
to add your own dialup pools to @whitelist :)

another thing it should do is add the rules to a SPAMMERS table, rather than to
the main INPUT table.  that would be a trivial change, only a few minutes work.


new version now published:

# v1.8  - changed to use SPAMMERS table rather than INPUT.
#         use --syn when adding iptables rules, to avoid hanging smtpd processes
# the SPAMMERS table should be set up like this (BEFORE this script is run):
# # create SPAMMERS table
# iptables -F SPAMMERS
# iptables -X SPAMMERS
# iptables -N SPAMMERS
# # send all INPUT & FORWARD packets to the SPAMMERS table
# iptables -I INPUT -j SPAMMERS
# iptables -I FORWARD -j SPAMMERS
# FORWARD rule needed only on gateway/router boxes, not normal hosts.
# you could optionally create a SPAMDROP table too, which logged the packet
# with a "SPAMMERS" prefix before dropping it....but that kind of defeats the
# purpose of this script which is to remove spammer noise from the logs.

> I've made a few modifications already, including making everything
> persistent and making it purge SEEN entries after not seeing a host
> for 24hrs (this also effectively caps any block time to being 24hrs).
> I might just set it so that it only watches our MailScanner and blocks
> the IPs it reports as sending virii. That would probably help to
> shrink the number of reports a lot, and help with my virus load.
> That'd be a good site-wide table to share (we use central mysql maps a
> lot).

diff -u ???

> >one of the things i wrote was a script which i could bounce spam to.
> >it would then parse the sender addresses and add it to a database of
> >spammers....and sent copies of each spam to a random subset of the
> >database. that infuriated them and amused me no end. my intention
> Now that's a heck of a tactic LOL :)

oh yes, i forgot the most amusing thing about it.  it not only sent it to a
subset of the spammer database, it also used random addresses out of that db as
the envelope and header sender addresses, so that they'd complain at each


craig sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>           (part time cyborg)

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