Hello Everyone,

    Im virtual hosting this domain called www.pexchange.com (name based) and I 
want apache to listen not only to www.pexchange.com but also pexchange.com, 
even ftp.pexchange.com and mail.pexchange.com (since they all reside in one IP 
add anyway).
    Question, do I have to place a complete set of <VirtualHost>, 
</VirtualHost> for every domain I want it to listen to ? (but point to only one 
log file) or is there a shorter way around it ?

    Heres its config :


PS, ow BTW, "Redirect / http://www.pexchange.com"; will work only if u access /* 
but not /somedir/*.  and if I use "Redirect * http://www.pexchange.com";, the 
access wont be logged.   Help please :-)

----- <snip>  from my httpd.conf -----

<VirtualHost www.pexchange.com>
DocumentRoot /home/pexchange.com/htdocs
ServerName www.pinoyexchange.com

<Directory /home/pexchange.com/cgi-bin/
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/pexchange.com/cgi-bin/

AddType text/html .shtml
AddHandler server-parsed .shtml

DirectoryIndex index.shtml index.html

ErrorLog /home/pexchange.com/weblogs/error.log
CustomLog /home/pexchange.com/weblogs/access.log bonelessbangus

-------- </snip> --------

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