On Fri, 5 May 2000, Adam Cassar wrote:

> Maybe I should explain myself a little bit clear. The company I work for
> has approx 10000 zone files, with between 10-500 being delegated to our
> servers each day. 

> I was looking for a dynamic way to add a zone file to the server without
> restarting the server ie ndc reload

Ummm, aren't you going to have to burp the server (i.e. ndc reload) to get
it to start serving those zones. 


Peter J. Templin, Jr., CCNA
Networks Manager

On-Line Internet Services - URDirect.net
A division of Global On-Line Computers
2414 Babcock Rd. Suite 106              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
San Antonio, TX 78229                   (210)692-9911

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