**(If anyone *really* must reply to this, snip debian-isp)**
Craig sent me a quite funny diatribe.  Seems he thinks I'm a "stupid American".

At 10:07 PM 5/23/00 +0200, Russell Coker wrote:
>ROFL.  I did research, I watched a TV show!  Could you indict America any

Despite the generally vapid nature of American TV, there are good
informative shows to watch if you know where to look.

>As for Australia being a semi-idyllic place, no place is.  I have decided not

That's why I said semi.

>to live permanently in Australia again because I get the impression that
>smart people aren't wanted (unless they are earning lots of money and can be
>taxed at a rate of 50% to pay for social security for dole bludgers who are
>too lazy to work).

Thank you.

>As for the Roman Empire.  I believe that we are coming to a time of change. 
>I think that a number of currently first-world countries will fall in the
>next few decades.  Large parts of America will go down, but I think that some
>states will evolve into seperate countries which remain in first-world

I don't know, the US is on an economic tear right now with no stopping it in
sight.  Civilazations fall when the quality of their citizenry declines.
That is currently happening here.  That happened to Rome, it fell.  To

So, who is it that topples the American Empire? :)

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