> Here is a weird one I can't seem to find the cause of. Perhaps it is
> inane, harmless, etc but it is annoying. I get these respawning too fast
> errors to the console. They go away when I comment out the
> S:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS3 line and init q it. Until a reboot
> that is. 

On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Security wrote:

> Well, I have not totally figured out how this is happening. What I do know
> is that /etc/inittab gets altered when the /etc/init.d/pcmcia script is
> run.

I haven't looked at Debian's pcmcia startup script.

But I think you could comment out any lines that update the inittab and
restart it. Something like:

#        echo "S$NR:12345:respawn:$INITTAB $DEVICE" >> /etc/inittab
#        telinit q

Or is there some variable (maybe $INITTAB) that is checked? If so, maybe
comment out the lines that define it.

Hope this helps...

  Jeremy C. Reed
     BSD software, documentation, resources, news...

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