On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, J-Mag Guthrie wrote:

| I'm concerned because of my unfamiliarity with Windows. How much Windows
| do I need to know to make this puppy work? (I really do *not* know
| Windows).

It should be trivial for you to learn. Let me put it this way, you've
talked to (l)users of an ISP for tech support before, no? If so, you know
how many COMPLETE IDIOTS there are out there using this type of stuff. If
they can do it, surely you can do it.

  _    __   _____      __   _________      
______________  /_______ ___  ____  /______  John Gonzalez/Net.Tech
__  __ \ __ \  __/_  __ `__ \/ __  /_  ___/ MDC Computers/netMDC!
_  / / / `__/ /_  / / / / / / /_/ / / /__ (505)439-0200/fax-437-3052
/_/ /_/\___/\__/ /_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/  \___/ http://www.netmdc.com
[---------------------------------------------[system info]-----------]
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