On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 04:59:12PM -0600, Art Sackett wrote:
> I haven't tried any of the web-based stuff, but have found that the
> .debs of ucspi-tcp, ezmlm, rmlsmtpd, fastforward, and vchkpw have
> all gone in flawlessly. Well, almost -- there's still a niggling
> little problem where any other existing mail-transport-agent being
> on the system will cause dpkg to bail out thinking qmail causes a
> conflict. So after yanking out the default exim, you have to go back
> and reinstall any you need of at, mailx, logrotate, and mail readers.
> There may be others, which will be installation dependent.

Huh?  Why would you need to deinstall at, mailx, logrotate and mail
readers in the first place?

Nathan E Norman                   "Eschew Obfuscation"
email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://incanus.net/~nnorman

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