On Mon, 26 Feb 2001, Marc Haber wrote:

> On Mon, 26 Feb 2001 10:35:04 +0000 (GMT), Gavin Hamill
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> had problems with many concurrent connections. I am very eager to try out
> >> the courier pop3 server, and the imap server also, but havent sofar
> >> managed to compile in MySQL support, which is necessary for us.
> >
> >I have only ever managed to get courier-imap 1.1 working.. anything newer
> >and it fails to detect the mysql headers and libraries.. I've also had
> >practically no help whatsoever from the IMAP author who simply said about
> >setting env variables (which I had already tried...)
> I use courier-imap and courier-pop from Stefan Hornburg's brand new
> packages that I backported to potato. I could make my potato .debs
> available (for use at your own risk) and even give a working
> configuration, if you are interested.
> Greetings
> Marc
> -- 

I would also be very interested in those, as I have tried time and again
to compile it with working mysql and failed. 


Roger Abrahamsson, Sys/Net Admin, Obbit AB
Radhusespl.17D, S-90328 Umea, Sweden

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