On Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 09:00:54AM +0200,
 Russell Coker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
 a message of 49 lines which said:

> How do you implement ACLs per-branch?  It seems to me that OpenLDAP only 
> supports this through regular expressions which are very slow.  If you have 

I did not try it yet but, according to the OpenLDAP Administrator's
guide, you can use LDAP filters so, assuming company Foo is a
customer, you can write (ou=Foo) in the access rule.

We are still trying different LDAP schemas. Ours are driven by the
fact that we do not have individual customers, but entities (each
entity having several accounts, possibly with different priviledges).

> > We use Apache and LDAP authentication works fine.
> What exactly do you do with Apache and LDAP?  LDAP authentication for WebDAV 
> for uploads?

Not yet (we use FTP - with proftpd - for uploads, WebDAV is on the
TODO list, as well as Zope, which can authenticate with LDAP).

We only use Apache+LDAP for reading restricted directories (such as
per-consumer stats).

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