Bulent Murtezaoglu writes:
 > >>>>> "ELBnet" == Tech Support <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 >     ELBnet> Try using: headers_check_syntax = true headers_checks_fail
 >     ELBnet> = true
 >     ELBnet> which checks to be sure the From To BCC etc. are correctly
 >     ELBnet> formatted and rejects them if not.
 > Which would do you no good for two reasons:
 > 1- The original poster wants to block the null sender in the envelope
 > from.
 > 2- The null sender is a legitimate envelope from.
 > Based on my e-mail interaction with the original poster (sender ?) 
 > I think what is being missed here is RFC 1123 which says 
 >            5.2.9  Command Syntax: RFC-821 Section 4.1.2
 >               The syntax shown in RFC-821 for the MAIL FROM: command omits
 >               the case of an empty path:  "MAIL FROM: <>" (see RFC-821 Page
 >               15).  An empty reverse path MUST be supported.
 > and again in summary table 5.4, it says RECEIVER-SMTP  _MUST_ send
 > error notification messages using the null return path.
 > If you block the null sender some nasty things happen.  For example
 > your customer sends off an important price quote to an important
 > customer using the wrong e-mail address, the mail gets queued
 > in some relay and eventually gets bounced (with null envelope sender),
 > but since you refuse such messages your customer never finds out.
 > I occasionally go through host requirements RFC's because admins
 > elsewhere break things.  This particular bit of chapter and verse 
 > from 1123 comes to you courtesy of an interland client...
 > cheers,
 > BM 
 > --  
 > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok. I'm the original poster and what i want is:

Mails with a NULL sender with an invalid recipient get bounced to the
email address of any Header that happen to exists.

And if the recipient doesn't exists  and
there is no way to bounce then reject.



Felipe Alvarez Harnecker.  QlSoftware.
Tels. 665.99.41 - 09.874.60.17


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