On Fri, 18 May 2001, Krzysztof Mazurczyk wrote:

> And third problem may be with dependencies of packets. Kernel suggests use
> 2.4.x
> of modutils, modutils depends on libc6 2.2.x and newer libc6 depends on
> libdb2 2.7.7
> or similar.
> But when I listalled libdb2 taken form woody lastly, syslogd didn't start.
> Yesterday I send
> question to debian-user list  with this problem but I've no answer as yet.
> It may be
> nessesary to use 2.4.x kernel without modules.

Well, there are packages available allowing use of 2.4.x with potato. 
I already use 2 potato hosts with 2.4.3 kernel. Works very fine, with no
stability problems. But I wonder if the same kernel will be stale on
different hardware - SMP, SCSI and so on.
I've just subscribed linux-kernel mailinglist to see what's going on


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