On Mon, 28 May 2001, Manuel Trujillo wrote:

> Hi!
> I'm reading the documentation of Postfix, but, I don't know if this is
> for my impatient, I don't see the manner of make a "force queue" with
> Postfix.
> Can anybody help me, please??
> Thank's for all, and excuse me my bad english... :(
> Have a nice day  ;-)
> TooManySecrets


Just check the postfix manpages:

       flush  Force delivery: attempt to deliver every message in
              the  deferred  mail  queue.  Normally,  attempts to
              deliver delayed mail happen at  regular  intervals,
              the interval doubling after each failed attempt.



Teun Vink - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - icq: 15001247 - http://teun.moonblade.net

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