On Friday 25 May 2001 22:44, Jeff Lee wrote:
> I've run into an interesting problem with ntpdate- we have it on most of
> our servers, run once on boot as is the standard. The /etc/init.d/ntpdate
> file is configured correctly, and for most of our systems it works fine.
> The other day, my manager moved a system to another part of the office,
> where it doesn't have network connectivity. When the ntpdate script
> executed, rather than timing out after about 5 seconds (1 sec default
> timeout on waiting for response from server * 5 loops), it hung the machine
> for over an hour before he decided to do a hard reset. The machine wouldn't

I think that should be a grave bug in the package.  Is it already reported as 
such in the BTS?

> that, one possibility is that when /etc/init.d/ntpdate is run, and ntpdate
> exits with an abnormal code, the system doesn't realize that ntpdate isn't
> running, and locks there? Any advice would be appreciated :)

Another thing you can do is enable the SAK which easily enables you to kill 
the offending process (such init script programs tend to have /dev/console 
open at the time they fail).

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