>>>>> "Russell" == Russell Coker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Russell> If the NFS server has the same disk system then you will
    Russell> only make things worse.  Anything you could do to give
    Russell> the NFS server better IO performance could more
    Russell> productively be done to the main server.  Also many of
    Russell> the common Unix mail server programs are specifically
    Russell> designed to have the queue on a local file system with
    Russell> standard Unix semantics (Inode numbers etc).  Qmail is
    Russell> one mail server that I have found to not work with it's
    Russell> queue on NFS, I haven't seriously tried any others.  I've
    Russell> CC'd Brian May because he does a lot more NFS stuff with
    Russell> Debian than most people and he may be able to advise you.

It depends on how much you want to share via NFS, what speed/type
network you have, etc.

The idea of putting any queue on NFS is generally discouraged (due to
file locking issues). Maildir is one exception to this rule.

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