On Sun, 1 Jul 2001 15:59:34 -0400, "Jeff S Wheeler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been reading this thread and noticed no one has suggested the MAC
> address filtering capabilities in Linux 2.4's new ip tables subsystem. 

There is no requirement to run 2.4.x and iptables, nor iproute2, to accomplish 
the policy implementation that was specified.  The administrative policy is 
bandwith control over a defined set of IP addresses.  That policy is being 
circumvented with the current configuration by the whizkids.  It is up to the 
tech to implement a solution.

Beside, I'm sure I have a MAC address changer utility (or is that a feature of 
iproute2) that I downloaded sometime in the past.  The same whizkids would use 
it and circumvent the policy based on MAC addresses with it ... although it 
would be a trickier thing to accomplish.  I think I have read on some mailing 
list that it is quite a security issue with PPPoE and some wireless connections.

Gerard MacNeil
System Administrator

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