High everyone, bit of a newbie when it comes to it but slowly trying to drag
our systems from windows and first main task is mail...

so ive got myself a nice server and played around with a few distros and
have decided on debian and exmin

right here comes the questions.....

1.  i will be hosting mail for sever domains, is this easy to achieve using
exim? or should i consider sendmail  / posfix or another for this (this isnt
going to be a high bandwidht server, small company mail server and few other

2. when i was playing with other distros things went quite well in the
testing apart from one thing... relaying.  a lot of the users work out of
the office using dialup and dynamic ips, whats the best way to enable
relaying for this so that they can send and recieve mail but still not leave
the server open?  as i failed miserable on this one and it was either
completely open, or denied relaying completely, not the ideal situation ;)

3. whats the best pop3 server to use with this, from what i have looked at
qpopper seems to be quite popular, any other suggestions on this? a few
people have suggested tpop3d but ive not been able to find out much about

4.  is there anything else i have missed / should be taking into
consideration? or any other hints / tips to push me in the right



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