On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 08:31:01AM -0400, Peter Billson wrote:
> > Then if one fileserver was down (even temporarily), then all
> > the other fileservers (all four) would have to queue a
> > message about the data and task and some heartbeat between
> > fileservers could alert it when back up and then make sure
> > that the particular filesystem is properly updated.
> Sounds exactly like RAID except that the disks are in
> physically different machines. I wonder if you can set up
> software RAID to use NFS mounted drives... hmmmm... may be
> worth playing with.

A network block device would work better, but it's not good
enough to lump a bunch of nbds together, since if you do that
you still need ONE machine looking after the RAID.  i.e. you
have a single point of failure.

Michael Wood

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