Oddly, this is the first time I've had this issue...

I've added my User and Group directives in the vhosts in my vhost.conf and
I'm getting Forbidden errors.
Here's an example:

The User and Group directives are set to foo
Here's an -ls -l of /home/f/ and /home/f/foo/

ls -l /home/

drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Oct 11 09:51 f

ls -l /home/f/

drwxrwx---    7 foo      foo          4096 Oct 12 08:37 foo

ls -l /home/f/foo/

drwxr-sr-x    2 foo      foo          4096 Oct 12 08:37 logs
drwxr-sr-x   24 foo      foo          4096 Oct 12 08:37 public_html

Any ideas why I'm getting forbidden errors? I've never gotten errors before
when setting this up, but I've never used the /home/<letter>/<username>
setup before either, is this an issue?


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