Given recent passage of the Patriot Act here in US, I'm re-evaluating
privacy policies at the ISP I run.

I'm curious what mechanisms and policies we might keep/implement
to preserve the privacy and integrity of our clients.  Some are obvious:
 *  gnpgp/pgp email
 *  quick and regular deletion of logs after our system security checks

What about protecting client data?  Suppose someone with a name like
"Saddam" signs up for a mailing list; what can be done to protect everyone
else on that mailing list.  (I did not make up that example.)  Are
there ways of handling data like that mailing list that would keep it
private?o  What about customer databases?

This may not be the place for this; can someone suggest other resources?




Christopher F. Miller, Publisher                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
MaineStreet Communications, Inc           208 Portland Road, Gray, ME  04039
Content/site management, online commerce, internet integration, Debian linux

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