On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 12:56:18PM +1000, Andrew Pollock wrote:
> I'm just wondering what methods different people are using to provision 
> multiple
> websites under Apache?
> I'm after a method that's scaleable, as neat as possible, and most of all as
> secure as possible.
> e.g.
> Where do people shove their content roots?
> How do you securely allow individual sites to have CGI access?
> Directory structures, permission structures, account structures etc etc

I'm kinda new at commercal vhosting but...

Since all the users on my main box are vhosts I'v kept my users in
/home/LETTER/NAME and setup public_html for html/non-exec and added a
directory inside of that named cgi for exec scripts.

Below is my general ~/ layout for each user.

I've added each user to the www-data group (but enabled other mesures to
hopefully stop scripts from lurking around other dir's and chmoded their
home dir's 770.

I setup 3 vhosts (standard) for each user, www.domain.com/domain.com,
webalizer.domain.com and mail.domain.com, the latter of witch is simply a
pointer to my local TWIG install I've modded for vhosting.
The webalizer domain points to the webalizer dir and a cronjob runs under
each users account that updates their information.

The logs for their www domain (both combined and errors) go into ~/logs and
have the following format:
Error log: /home/f/foo/logs/error.log
Access Log (type Combined): /home/f/foo/logs/<domain>

The reason for the <domain> as the name of the access log is that I have
quite a few clients that have multiple vhosts.

If the user wants an ftp server I set them up with a ProFTPD virtualhost and
that domain and ProFTPD directive points to their ~/ftp directory.

I'm working on a PHP script that will add my vhost directives for me but
currently I'm adding them by hand. Take a look at the User/Group directives
they come in handy.

There is also a way to setup "macros" to use w/ vhosts that would cut the
hand-workload down a bit I'm just opting for a script-based approach.

example username "foo":

layout of /home/f/foo
-rw-------    1 foo   foo       2888 Oct 28 12:54 README
drwxrws---    2 foo   foo       4096 Oct 28 20:59 ftp
drwxrws---    2 foo   foo       4096 Oct 28 15:55 logs
drwxrws---   13 foo   foo       4096 Oct 28 15:12 public_html
drwxrws---    2 foo   foo       4096 Oct 29 12:28 webalizer

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