An alternative is the KISS way (keep it simple stupid) way...

Just download the apache source code from, compile suexec
from there, and cp it to the appropriate directory where Debian expects

Works like a charm.


----- Original Message -----
From: "eirik dentz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 12:39 AM
Subject: Re: customizing debian apache

> I actually did this a while back because I wasn't happy with the debian
> default suexec directory either. I don't remember exactly what I did but
> I remember that I started by downloading all the packages necessary to
> build .debs and then I grabbed the apache source files, currently that
> would be:
> apache_1.3.22-2.dsc
> apache_1.3.22.orig.tar.gz
> apache_1.3.22-2.diff.gz
> And then I grabbed all the packages listed in the .dsc file.  opened up
> the .diff file in a text editor and searched for "suexec" made my
> changes and then followed the instructions about building a .deb here:
> <>
> Once I figured it out it didn't take all that long and I had suexec
> hardwired to a directory of my choice.  Of course the problem with this
> was that upgrading apache was no longer as simple as issuing apt-get
> update.  So after maintaining my own layout for a few upgrades, I
> scrapped it and went with the Debian default because the ease of apt-get
> update is really one of the things that makes Debian stand above all the
> other Linux distros.  Of course I didn't really have any issues with it
> other than the suexec directory.
> eirik
> On Wednesday, November 7, 2001, at 12:18 AM, Cameron Moore wrote:
> > * [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2001.11.06 22:50]:
> >> <quote who="Cameron Moore">
> >>
> >>> Has anyone managed to customize (as in "use your own Layout on") an
> >>> apache build from .deb source?  I can't stand the debian Layout and
> >>> want
> >>> to customize it (or even use an existing layout that comes with
> >>> apache).
> >>> The problem is that all of the build scripts and whatnot assume you
> >>> use
> >>> the Debian layout.
> >>
> >> Define "layout"?
> >
> > See config.layout:
> >  #   Debian GNU policy conforming path layout.
> >  <Layout Debian>
> >      prefix:        /usr
> >      exec_prefix:   $prefix
> >      bindir:        $exec_prefix/bin
> >      sbindir:       $prefix/lib+
> >      libexecdir:    $exec_prefix/libexec
> >      mandir:        $prefix/share/man
> >      sysconfdir:    /etc+
> >      datadir:       $prefix/lib
> >      iconsdir:      $prefix/share/apache/icons
> >      htdocsdir:     $datadir/htdocs
> >      cgidir:        $datadir/cgi-bin
> >      includedir:    $prefix/include+
> >      localstatedir: /var
> >      runtimedir:    $localstatedir/run
> >      logfiledir:    $localstatedir/log+
> >      proxycachedir: $localstatedir/cache+
> >  </Layout>
> >
> >> If it's just a matter of "where served files are on the filesystem"
> >> you can
> >> do that very easily post-install.
> >
> > Possibly, but that's not what I want to do.  If you want suEXEC, you
> > have to know the paths at compile-time.  It would be *much* easier to
> > able to define an alternative layout and have the deb package build
> > properly.
> >
> >> I'm surprised you'd have any issues with the apache packages - they
> >> are one
> >> of the most well put together and administrator-friendly sets of
> >> packages
> >> I've ever seen.
> >>
> >> Please point out specific issues.
> >>
> >> - Jeff
> >
> > Look in the the debian dir of the src deb.  The rules, post*, pre*,
> > apacheconfig files are all hardcoded to assuming the Debian Layout.
> > That's all fine and good, but it restricts customization.  I'm not
> > how foobarred everything would get if a package that depends on apache
> > being in a certain spot, either.  Guess I need to contact the
> > maintainer.  :-)
> >
> > I mainly want to know if anyone has done this before.  If not, I'll
> > through it myself and see what happens.  ;-)  Thanks
> > --
> > Cameron Moore
> >
> >
> > --
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